Yapa, Milano

Since landing his first job at a local trattoria in Tuscany at 15, rising up through the kitchen ranks to become Sergi Arola’s right hand man, chef Matteo Pancetti has travelled and cooked all over the world. From the Peruvian Andes to Japan, via Barcelona, Provence and now Milan, Pancetti has honed a cooking style that is completely his own. Absorbing, blending, and reimagining culinary influences, ingredients, and traditions in new ways that are modern, surprising, and rooted in a sustainable ethos.

Pancetti’s latest venture, Yapa, in the heart of Milan, is an intimate showcase for his genre-busting tapas paired with thrilling cocktails and natural wines. Thanks to Lambs & Lions for trusting me to tell Matteo’s story and for always being such a pleasure to work with.